Scheme of Assessment
The following is the scheme of examinations, promotion criteria and syllabus of the various grades. Students are continuously assesses and evaluated in the acquisition of knowledge and understanding.
There is no formal examination for KG classes. Teachers assess and monitor the progress of each student on an on-going basis. A record of the child’s performance is maintained.
Grades 1 to 5
To shift the focus of academic activities towards enrichment of the total personality of the learners and to facilitate the learners to address various facets of learning such as the cognitive affective, and psychomotor domains and to de-stress learning so that undue focus is not given to the terminal examination in the form of assessments. Cyclic assessment is conducted in Grades 1 to 3. In order to prepare the students for assessments in the Middle school as per the norms set by CBSE, assessments in Grades 4 and 5 are conducted as per the scheme and assessment pattern in Grades 6 to 8
The cyclic and term assessments will be conducted in class and will be based on the following skills.
Reading: Pronunciation, Fluency, Comprehension
Writing: Creative writing, Handwriting, Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary
Speaking Skills: Conversation, Recitation
Listening Skills: Comprehension
Extra Reading and Project Works
Concept, Activity, Tables, Mental Ability and Written Work
Environmental Sensitivity, Activity and Project .Group Discussion and Written Work.
Concept, Activity/Project, Scientific Skills and Group Discussion.
Written Work.
Skills and Aptitude
Grades 6 to 8
Part 1 – Scholastic Area
Subjects included are English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies (includes UAE SST) and Second language (Hindi /Malayalam/French for grades 6 to 10. Arabic is additional language for grades 6 to 9. Islamic studies is offered to all Muslim students. Non-Muslim will attend the moral instruction classes.
Part 2 Co-Scholastic
Co-Scholastic Activities (classes 6 to 8):
For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities in the following areas be carried out in CBSE affiliated schools by the teachers and will be graded term wise on a 3 point grading scale. (A= Outstanding, B=Very Good,C=Fair).
The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and team work be the generic criteria for grading in the following Co- scholastic activities.
Co-Scholastic Activities :
· Work Education/ Pre Vocational Education
· Art Education (Visual & Performing Arts)
· Health & Physical Education-Sports/Yoga
Part 3 – Discipline
Students will also be assessed for the discipline which will be based on the following factors like attendance, sincerity, behavior, values, tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulation, attitude towards society, nation and others. Grading on discipline will be done term –wise 3-point grading scale (A= Outstanding, B= Very Good and C=Fair).
Grades 9 & 10
- There will be a final examination of 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject at the end of the academic year. Board examination will be conducted for grade 10.
- School will conduct 3 periodic written test reduced to 10 in an academic year and the average of the best two will be taken.
- 5 marks will be awarded to the notebooks for the regularity, assignment completion, neatness and upkeep of the notebook.
- 5marks will be assigned for the subject enrichment activity (practical works/ listening and speaking skills/project works)
- Grade 10 &12 will have a Unified GEMS Model Exam. Unit tests will be conducted for Grades 10 and 12 on a regular basis.
Certificates of excellence are awarded in order to motivate and encourage children’s performance in both scholastic and non-scholastic areas based on the overall performance of the year. We believe that all children are capable of progress and achievement. These certificates will not only recognize and reward individual achievement and progress but will also create self-awareness in children as well as celebrate success in all areas.
Reward for Merit
At GEMS Our Own Indian School, special care is taken to recognize the efforts, skills and talents of the students.
Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates are awarded to the deserving students.
Scholar Badge
Scholar Badge (Grades 5 to 9 and 11) is awarded to students with consistently good academic performance. The cumulative record at the end of the academic year is considered and the criteria followed are:
Grades 5 to 8:
The student must score a minimum of 4 A1s and A2s in all remaining subjects in the years’ performance except in MI/Is Ed. This will be taken from the cumulative record of FA’s & SA’s during the academic year.
Grade 9:
Scholar Badge will be awarded to students getting a minimum of 2 A1s and 3 A2s in the core subjects except MI/Is Ed.
Grade 11
Scholar Badge will be awarded to students getting 80% and above in 2 subjects and 75% and above in 3 subjects.
Certificate of Excellence
Grade 5-9
Certificate of Excellence will be given to students securing A1 in any subject.
Grade 11
Certificate of Excellence will be awarded to students getting 75% and above in any subject.
Grade 10 & 12
Merit certificate is issued by CBSE for outstanding performance in all subjects.
Certificate of Endeavour
Grade 5-9 & 11
Certificate of Endeavour will be awarded to students showing maximum progress in subjects
Reward for Merit is awarded to students who exhibit brilliant performance in academics and co-curricular activities.
• Students with the highest score in individual subjects are awarded subject prize.
• The best All-Rounder in the Middle School and Senior Sections (boys and girls) is, respectively, awarded a Special Prize
• The topper in Grade 12 is awarded the GEMS OIS Gold Medal
• Academic excellence for highest aggregate (Cummulative Record in the grade)
Certificate of Appreciation
Students from KG to Grade 5 are awarded Appreciation certificates in order to recognize and appreciate their good work in scholastic and non-scholastic areas.
Weightage of Marks for Promotion (Grades 6 to 8)
Scholastic & Co-Scholastic Assessment of Grade 9 & 10
Promotion criteria for Grade 11 to 12
Promotion to grade 12 is based on 10%of Pre MT+10%of Post MT+20%of MT+60%of Annual Examination.